[XX] xXtreeme

Created: 06.08.2015
Commander: GeneralFailure_xX
Not registered on site

Overkill is a way of life

Welcome to the Great and xXtreme clan. May the force be with you! Aiming for an active clan with a high avrage win % and with the goal to have fun. We do not have any other rule then to enjoy the game. Inactive members will eventually be exchanged to be able to maintain the clan in a good condition. If you are going to take a leave from the game for a while, please inform so you can remain in the clan https://discord.gg/rENgpg4h
Average damage


Average winrate


48 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
GeneralFailure_xX Commander 3483 days 1333 53
Steviev71 Executive Officer 2537 days 1353 59
Finkel66 Executive Officer 3451 day 933 51
Kaiser_Willhelm_ll Executive Officer 335 days 1614 59
Generalhaxe Executive Officer 347 days 1435 63
_Gasio_ Executive Officer 3464 days 1008 50
I_Freedy Private 298 days 2075 64
prosniper_65 Private 321 day 1626 56
CkuJlo3aBucum Private 651 day 1790 55
snifmybarrelbaby Private 211 days 1659 53
Nyxtr0n Private 58 days 1480 54
Player_5643566781 Private 153 days 1777 56
TopRank2 Private 148 days 2258 63
original_donut_ Private 21 day 1611 56
M_a_h_a_77 Private 495 days 1454 64
Ww______Pod_Mann______wW Private 129 days 1880 62
Vindeta_zashhitnik Private 421 day 2029 62
X_from_MVX Private 67 days 1309 57
Knight_Old_Republic Private 188 days 1931 61
Adaejdycz Private 62 days 1529 56
PIKAMASTA Private 80 days 1947 60
Avalon_126 Private 496 days 1855 56
Aero0909 Private 706 days 2040 56
LEX0U Private 150 days 1759 58
panther99 Private 341 day 2225 65
KyBAJIgA77 Private 155 days 1821 56
__K_L_B__ Private 490 days 1942 52
konstantinovich_715 Private 456 days 1946 55
laatschi Private 103 days 1220 60
Valera_Freyman Private 646 days 1597 56
Zvy1te69 Private 190 days 2062 57
Ulrih_Fon_Weyn Private 83 days 1988 58
heroin Private 355 days 1918 64
ScaRy_CaT12 Private 14 days 1619 67
SERG_PROOOOOOOOO Private 169 days 1738 57
Pi64ip Private 45 days 1660 58
bitljus1 Private 305 days 1554 56
0tvertQa_ Private 321 day 1858 60
BenadryI Private 286 days 2181 63
Rggcd Private 289 days 2200 65
asaszero Private 500 days 1012 46
Nastia061120 Private 496 days 1446 52
svi1xxzzz Private 53 days 1214 57
Danila_Master4040 Private 301 day 1832 58
FizRuk_86_1 Private 235 days 2454 65
I_Lix_O Private 88 days 2238 63
Aleksei_1572 Private 289 days 1978 58
19romchik88 Private 36 days 1675 56
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 701932 1160179542
GeneralFailure_xX 38454 58350816
Steviev71 52866 69036808
Finkel66 32126 41837424
Kaiser_Willhelm_ll 6155 9512281
Generalhaxe 4401 5609271
_Gasio_ 10246 16876650
I_Freedy 7087 12604158
prosniper_65 5361 8325359
CkuJlo3aBucum 12753 23745696
snifmybarrelbaby 9537 19473628
Nyxtr0n 8631 13615531
Player_5643566781 2783 4938009
TopRank2 33392 55650045
original_donut_ 2033 2800899
M_a_h_a_77 2743 2965646
Ww______Pod_Mann______wW 12654 17278190
Vindeta_zashhitnik 3908 6157265
X_from_MVX 16847 20626353
Knight_Old_Republic 2800 4190396
Adaejdycz 6022 9041294
PIKAMASTA 9126 14648128
Avalon_126 19926 38853394
Aero0909 5627 11074078
LEX0U 16224 30823897
panther99 76311 126787860
KyBAJIgA77 36252 65817037
__K_L_B__ 17767 39048864
konstantinovich_715 20277 44383292
laatschi 7508 8029763
Valera_Freyman 6373 11630405
Zvy1te69 5879 11745141
Ulrih_Fon_Weyn 2943 5295637
heroin 41717 67776722
ScaRy_CaT12 8051 10512645
SERG_PROOOOOOOOO 20214 36705336
Pi64ip 5008 8347137
bitljus1 3947 6777160
0tvertQa_ 10415 18406212
BenadryI 24697 43800286
Rggcd 34459 56364718
asaszero 18004 35019331
Nastia061120 6076 10965503
svi1xxzzz 3653 4451933
Danila_Master4040 2728 4368365
FizRuk_86_1 3692 6274941
I_Lix_O 3581 6106682
Aleksei_1572 1298 1930912
19romchik88 19380 31598444
Total 701932 1160179542