[XX] xXtreeme

Created: 06.08.2015
Commander: GeneralFailure_xX
Not registered on site

Overkill is a way of life

Welcome to the Great and xXtreme clan. May the force be with you! Aiming for an active clan with a high avrage win % and with the goal to have fun. We do not have any other rule then to enjoy the game. Inactive members will eventually be exchanged to be able to maintain the clan in a good condition. If you are going to take a leave from the game for a while, please inform so you can remain in the clan https://discord.gg/rENgpg4h
Average damage


Average winrate


47 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
GeneralFailure_xX Commander 3249 days 1329 53
Steviev71 Executive Officer 2303 days 1329 59
Finkel66 Executive Officer 3218 days 932 51
Kaiser_Willhelm_ll Executive Officer 101 day 1513 61
Generalhaxe Executive Officer 113 days 1324 64
_Gasio_ Executive Officer 3230 days 985 50
I_Freedy Private 64 days 2045 65
prosniper_65 Private 87 days 1596 57
DaJl_HA_PoTaH Private 417 days 1748 55
korsarchik Private 23 days 2471 62
TeriayTemu Private 45 days 1642 57
evellse Private 15 days 2382 62
churkilI Private 75 days 1822 62
original_donut_ Private 95 days 1601 58
M_a_h_a_77 Private 261 day 1329 66
Vindeta_zashhitnik Private 187 days 1780 62
nikofloso7 Private 87 days 1540 58
Jerdy_Libertas Private 12 days 1562 68
zakali4niy2017_andrew Private 486 days 1746 53
Avalon_126 Private 262 days 1821 56
Aero0909 Private 472 days 1942 56
KIPISH46 Private 269 days 1181 53
panther99 Private 107 days 2186 65
FisherMan_CZE Private 43 days 1775 60
EviL_DaddyS Private 65 days 2035 64
FizRuk_86_1 Private 2 days 2097 70
kapawg Private 47 days 1918 63
__K_L_B__ Private 256 days 1920 52
konstantinovich_715 Private 222 days 1920 54
Valera_Freyman Private 412 days 1516 56
Zvy1te69 Private 194 days 1649 55
___Dezz_iT_Hoolek___ Private 73 days 1761 63
heroin Private 121 day 1912 64
terdw817 Private 19 days 1799 60
bitljus1 Private 71 day 1480 58
0tvertQa_ Private 87 days 1742 59
Josef_SeppDietrich Private 21 day 2869 66
Mad_Mado Private 91 day 1345 63
BenadryI Private 52 days 2163 63
Rggcd Private 55 days 2200 65
asaszero Private 267 days 930 44
Nastia061120 Private 262 days 1411 51
Komb1st Private 17 days 1839 62
Danila_Master4040 Private 67 days 1791 61
VwV_lalalalala Private 23 days 1584 62
I_Lix_O Private 71 day 2224 63
Aleksei_1572 Private 55 days 2040 60
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 533624 875606773
GeneralFailure_xX 37832 57170412
Steviev71 49633 63380825
Finkel66 31982 41558980
Kaiser_Willhelm_ll 3579 4738450
Generalhaxe 2958 3437297
_Gasio_ 9497 15241268
I_Freedy 4182 6800851
prosniper_65 4148 6018049
DaJl_HA_PoTaH 9916 18190154
korsarchik 10223 22039904
TeriayTemu 7369 12805716
evellse 17468 37181244
churkilI 28684 50090439
original_donut_ 1606 2053636
M_a_h_a_77 1978 1779252
Vindeta_zashhitnik 2781 3728104
nikofloso7 2386 3794274
Jerdy_Libertas 1702 2099526
zakali4niy2017_andrew 5838 11061822
Avalon_126 16344 31300193
Aero0909 3462 6383402
KIPISH46 5523 7601231
panther99 72136 118188757
FisherMan_CZE 5245 8346795
EviL_DaddyS 4485 7222783
FizRuk_86_1 1722 2095289
kapawg 4511 7065248
__K_L_B__ 13636 29592171
konstantinovich_715 17476 38063181
Valera_Freyman 5292 8842433
Zvy1te69 2962 5032223
___Dezz_iT_Hoolek___ 4829 5619921
heroin 41045 66485952
terdw817 2689 4036037
bitljus1 1916 2837693
0tvertQa_ 7465 12192952
Josef_SeppDietrich 2816 5967407
Mad_Mado 2740 2515006
BenadryI 23708 41717861
Rggcd 34459 56364718
asaszero 13344 25791454
Nastia061120 4580 8221658
Komb1st 1107 1544613
Danila_Master4040 1658 2218850
VwV_lalalalala 708 896450
I_Lix_O 3002 4890694
Aleksei_1572 1002 1401598
Total 533624 875606773