[NNTW] No Need To Worry

Created: 30.09.2022
Commander: lceDrag0N
Not registered on site

Welcome to the clan buddy

We are welcome to see guys with big barrels!!! Come here to be around real GUYS
Average damage


Average winrate


24 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
lceDrag0N Commander 866 days 2150 70
lucklev12 Executive Officer 856 days 2485 71
AggressiveStyle_ Executive Officer 651 day 2365 68
Viscreality Executive Officer 750 days 2684 80
pansnayper Private 546 days 1417 53
1mena Private 7 days 2402 64
TOHU__CTAPK Private 748 days 2330 72
_PaRaDoxXx_ Private 26 days 2596 77
ctv67 Private 815 days 1756 59
__YANOK__ Private 278 days 1476 60
TheSecondBIood Private 22 days 2254 69
Dragon8611 Private 179 days 2192 55
Diselok2284 Private 815 days 1479 55
_AnocToJI_IIaBeJI_ Private 320 days 2090 61
Mateos93_79991252 Private 139 days 1836 58
lehaefimcuk Private 34 days 1533 52
vitalikpro3333 Private 721 day 2343 64
qbert14 Private 400 days 1503 53
_M1Lan1sta_ Private 652 days 2797 64
The_NoToR10uS Private 227 days 2381 72
DniweBannoe Private 366 days 2202 67
lichti69 Private 125 days 2333 69
_Th3_RE4L_Pr3d4T0R_777_ Private 337 days 1481 50
WhiteHorse008 Private 318 days 1275 55
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 1041147 1868864869
lceDrag0N 61492 108507666
lucklev12 150704 257076998
AggressiveStyle_ 41873 80452380
Viscreality 92033 176581946
pansnayper 18848 30201981
1mena 125777 248414623
TOHU__CTAPK 194031 342052187
_PaRaDoxXx_ 850 1186451
ctv67 11694 18901080
__YANOK__ 40854 62573027
TheSecondBIood 317 356071
Dragon8611 14489 32787644
Diselok2284 19522 32302344
_AnocToJI_IIaBeJI_ 28047 51498780
Mateos93_79991252 35308 66383585
lehaefimcuk 3945 7043370
vitalikpro3333 17605 45775851
qbert14 4101 6959299
_M1Lan1sta_ 13137 27236035
The_NoToR10uS 67161 105336872
DniweBannoe 88152 145954927
lichti69 3193 5903959
_Th3_RE4L_Pr3d4T0R_777_ 7066 14301618
WhiteHorse008 948 1076175
Total 1041147 1868864869