[-BFC-] Blitz Fight Club

Created: 21.09.2022
Commander: Heezay__________________
Not registered on site
Club rules: The first rule of Fight Club is: don't tell anyone about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is never tell anyone about Fight Club. The third rule of Fight Club is that there are only two people in a fight, you and your enemy. Fourth rule of Fight Club: no more than one fight at a time during business hours.
Average damage


Average winrate


10 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
Heezay__________________ Commander 882 days 1564 57
_DEADeL_ Executive Officer 881 day 1416 57
MaPuHoBaHHbIu_JIococb Executive Officer 881 day 1557 56
kellenamnell Private 877 days 1220 47
_casper7_ Private 508 days 1575 62
JediRem Private 619 days 2512 70
Point_man666 Private 821 day 1812 54
AndreySunstrike Private 453 days 1563 55
Zuzia_by Private 881 day 1099 47
SalmonMoses Private 436 days 1080 59
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 64869 102215463
Heezay__________________ 13537 20597132
_DEADeL_ 16105 23720935
MaPuHoBaHHbIu_JIococb 18162 28010701
kellenamnell 5495 9990014
_casper7_ 1904 2396614
JediRem 2806 4494152
Point_man666 2530 5261475
AndreySunstrike 866 1347192
Zuzia_by 3151 6126266
SalmonMoses 313 270982
Total 64869 102215463